After completing our Computer Hardware topic and assignment. We started learning about Circuits. Well, after working on that computer hardware assignment we noticed there are many circuits within a Computer to keep it running. There are various components within the circuit that keeps it running. In order for us to understand what a circuit is. We have to understand what electricity is.
Within electricity there are many things such as:
Current (The speed of which electricity moves at)
Resistance (The component in the circuit is what causes resistance which is also called "load")
Short Circuits (Components have a maximum rating, going over it causes the component to burn out)
Things that make up a circuit:
Battery Source (Provides a push force current around the circuit)
Load (A component contributing resistance)
Conductor (Moves the electricity along)
Ohm's Law
Most important to circuits is knowing the amount of current, potential and resistance there is. Without knowing there is a high change of blowing up the circuit. Due to this, we have Ohm's Law which is I = V/R I did find it confusing at first but after reviewing some class notes and watching this short video I was able to understand it and practice it more.Â
Conclusion/Final Thoughts
Circuit is very interesting and learning how it works is very fun. It's really nice to understand that each component is different and can only function with a set amount of electricity flowing through.