While learning about Wires and Circuits we went over a new component called a "Transistor". A transistor consisisit of 3 pins. The pin all the way to the left is called a Emitter. Middle is base, and the last one is collector. (This pattern is from the side with the text).
What does it do?
A transistor is a helpful component to have in your circuit. A transistor can help amplify weak signals, and switch electrical currents. a transistor is mainly used for a circuit like a night light which we made in class.
My Circuit
My circuit went amazing. At first it was not working because I did realize my transistor was the wrong way but after unsoldering and fixing it then resoldering I was able to make my circuit work and my nightlight was completed. Here are the finishing photos.

Here is a video of me testing out the circuit. The light turns off once light hits the photoresistor. The light turns on once the flashlight was turned off. The pin was a bit loose to power it but it does work after I later fixed it.
Conclusion/Final Thoughts
By far this was my first time actually making a circuit with soldering and I am very happy about it. When my circuit didn't work at first I was very scared because I didn't know what my mistake was at first. After going over my original schematic I was able to find that my transistor was the wrong way and ended up fixing my circuit. I am very proud of myself for not giving up and happy with the final product.