

While talking about circuits, we started learning about Breadboards. What is a breadboard you may be asking? well, a breadboard is simply a board for prototyping or building circuits on. Its main purpose is for making quick electrical connections between components such as resistors and LEDs etc..


Using the breadboard. We had to make a circuit that has 3 push buttons and 3 leds in order to make the RGB led switch to the colour we like. Using resistors and the breadboard, we had to make this function from the power of the battery. By using the resistors and wires I was able to create this circuit and making the RGB led work with the push buttons for its corresponding led. I used the Arduino tutorial page to understand how the code worked and how to make circuits.

Conclusion/Final Thoughts

The breadboard is a very interesting board and I think its the best board for begginners with circuits to use as its safe and easy to use making everything less complicated. It's also the best board for learning new things and for different things like LED's and resistors as its simple to place and move around.