

Soldering is something we learned along with wire cutting as we need to cut wires to soldering the copper inside it to connect 2 things together. This allows the flow of electricity through the wire. Something that we can substitute for wires is a perfboard. It functions like a little circuit that we can use to connect things without the use or less use of wires.

Perf board 

We started learning about perf boards and its functionality. It works like a normal circuit except there are 4 holes in each square and they are all connected together making it more efficient and a perfect board for putting together a small circuit or making a big circuit without the use of wires as the squares act like a wire. One side is mainly used for the components and the other side is for soldering only. Soldering on the wrong side will not only be bad but the solder will literally not stick on that one side. Thanks to reading this website I was able to confirm that information and followed the steps on how to solder onto a perfboard.

Conclusion/Final Thoughts

Perf board is the perfect board to use when show casing your circuit and is best to use when you don't have wires and want to showcase your circuit in a small space. It was very amazing learning this topic and being able to showcase our circuit using a perfboard.